July 2011
Good question! A year and a half ago, Paul Nolan, President of the Chapter of Charleston Audubon, aka the Charleston Natural History Society, and a recipient of my numerous e-mails with the many nature photos attached, suggested that I should convert these somewhat regular e-mails into a blog for the chapter as well as for other nature lovers such as my family and friends. I started the blog last summer but then I became swept up in my preparations for my trip to France, and then I traveled to France for a month (C'était magnifique!). After that, the school year, as usual, limited my free-time activities rather severely and so the blog then went on the back burner. But now, it is summer again, and voilà, the task is fait accompli! So rather than continue to clog up my friends' and family members' e-mail boxes with photos, I can now send them a link to the blog for the same kind of information with photos! Let me state that the content of this blog portrays my personal views, and though I am blogging my individual perspective as a member of the Charleston Audubon Society, aka Charleston Natural History Society, this blog does not purport to present any official positions of this organization.