Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Morning Coffee, Poetry and Nature -- Grab a Cup & Enjoy! -- August 14, 2012

            In order to enjoy the moment as I did, grab a cup of coffee before continuing.....

You see, this morning, I was reading my e-mail while sipping my morning coffee.  In the newsletter from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, there was a link to footage of a young Osprey taking his first flight from the nest.  How cool to watch the parent's and the siblings' faces after the youngster takes off!  Here's the video for you.  Do you have your coffee in hand?

Be sure to read the newsletter article about this family of Ospreys!  The above video was posted to YouTube by Cornell.  However, there is a link to another cool  video from two weeks ago about these young Ospreys being returned to their nest after being banded.  This video, made by Conservation Media, was posted to Vimeo, another video hosting website.  Here it is for you now.  Funny --  my cats do not like the water spritzing bottle but these youngsters seemed to!

Returning Osprey Chicks to Hellgate Nest After Banding [Researcher POV via GoPro] from Conservation Media on Vimeo.

        You are probably wondering where the poetry is now since I promised it to complete your morning coffee, nature and poetry experience.  I found this little video posted by Conservation Media when I finished watching the above Osprey video.  So here is your morning poetry!  Take a sip and contemplate the meaning! 

A Road Through the Woods from Conservation Media on Vimeo.

           Mmmm!  Beauty!  Reminds me of so many wonderful tranquil moments in the woods communing with nature while hiking down an overgrown path that was once a logging road, such as this one, the Cataloochee Divide Trail that we hiked this past June in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Cataloochee Divide Trail -- Great Smoky Mountains National Park -- June 18, 2012

Last day of vacation before returning to the classroom ... I think I will go to Audubon's Francis Beidler Forest today to contemplate some roadless nature in the old growth Four Holes Swamp! 

         To end this morning coffee-nature-poetry meditation, here's a little video from Beidler .... where I will soon be...  What a great way to end my summer vacation! 

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